TIS Magazine 2020
Time flies doesn’t it? Of course in Grade 7 this may have looked like a dream. Because your days were filled with daydreams-wondering when you’ll ever have the opportunity to wear that same gown and that sash that looked so good on your favorite senior. And have all your frowns turn into smiles, You thought you were delusional for thinking you could get through all those bad days Well, look where you are now, Who would have thought? The long-awaited journey is finally over No longer do you have to wear green for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week; so thank your lucky stars. Drop your regrets, and bad memories at the doorstep, and take along all the good memories. No, in fact, take your bad memories along, because every fight, every broken friendship,every failed test and every unfortunate event formed part of this experience and it’d be in your best interest to remem- DP2 Drop | 56
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