TIS Magazine 2020

Yes, PREACHH!!!As an executive, what was the silliest thing you’ve heard your juniors say about you? “Hmm, I can’t seem to remember any.” (And I oop- ) Can you simply narrate how a normal Sat- urday looks for an entertainment execu- tive? “Saturdays were my workout days. I never sat. If I wasn’t in the hostel planning and writing things down, I was meeting with my committee delegating and outlining how I want the night to be. From then till the night ends you’d probably see my committee members and I setting up, running around the campus, and coordi- nating. When it came to the night itself, I didn’t do much since I give tasks to my members, so I would just stand in the background and ‘survey’ to try and find out what I could possibly improve... and also rest a bit.” Please give us your best memory as an ex- ecutive. “Ahhh my best memory. That would be all the times I had free time.” Aaww, me too, to be honest. Tell us what you believe made you stand out for you to receive this award. “I’m not sure honestly. I think when you do something you love, and do it to the best of your ability, success will always find you.” Now could you kindly tell us what made your entertainment committee the best committee the school has ever had (sorry guys but I just had to :)) “Hahaha. I’ll have to try and be unbiased as much as possible. Personally, I think the members work so hard. Everyone under- stood and appreciated the importance of entertainment and were so committed to making the most of it, sometimes even more than me. The drive the committee was is inspiring, especially for something that wouldn’t make it on their CV or CAS portfolio. I think the reason I appreciate them so much is that being a single en- tertainment executive, I had to carry a lot on my hands and the committee was so supportive and helpful. Personally, what sets them apart is the fact that they ex- pect nothing in return for what they’re doing, they just do because that’s what they enjoy. That’s the best attitude any committee should have.” And there you have it, the words of Noelle Mends Addison the winner of this year’s Best Executive Award. Remarkable right? Isabel Prempeh 43 |