Celebrating the MYP Personal Project Journey     

The MYP Personal Project is a milestone in the Middle Years Programme. It allows students to embark on a self-directed learning journey that reflects their interests, passions, and creativity. Through this process, they develop essential skills such as research, communication, and self- management while exploring meaningful topics. The Personal Project challenges students to think critically,…

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Counting Down to a Remarkable Milestone: TIS @ 21

We are thrilled to begin the countdown to a significant moment in our school’s history, TIS @ 21. This anniversary not only celebrates the growth of our secondary campus but also marks the 5th anniversary of our Primary School campus, both of which represent key milestones in the TIS journey. Our visionary Co-Founders, the late…

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Exploring New Horizons: Horse Riding and Golf Demo Reflections

Exploring New Horizons: Horse Riding and Golf Demo Reflections I am thrilled to share the insightful reflections from our students who recently participated in the Horse Riding and Golf Demo sessions. These activities provided a refreshing break from the usual academic routine and delivered valuable learning experiences that are deeply connected to our educational goals…

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Reflections from Freshmen’s Night 2024

Reflections from Freshmen’s Night 2024 Being in a boarding school is a significant adjustment, especially when it’s your first time away from home. At TIS, students are encouraged to immerse themselves in the community, participate in activities, and connect with others. Saturday night was a highlight! Freshmen’s Night showcased the talents of our new students,…

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Empowering Voices: Embracing Multilingualism at TIS Primary School

Preamble In the bustling hallways of our school, a world of languages thrives alongside the daily learning and teaching. English, our primary language of instruction, serves as the common ground for communication. However, our curriculum extends beyond English, embracing French, Mandarin, and even sign language as additional avenues of expression. Yet, our commitment to linguistic…

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Transforming Lives: TIS’s Commitment to Making a Difference

At the beginning of this academic year, September 2023, as we began preparations for the 20th anniversary of our dear TIS, the DP1 class embarked on an ambitious journey of “Transforming Lives.” Launched during the 20th anniversary Durbar, under the theme “Celebrating our Founders: The Importance of Vision and Values,” this service project aimed to…

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10th Dukies Expedition Camp Reflections

The 10th Tema International School expedition camp experience was a resounding success. It provided participants a holistic outdoor adventure while fostering personal growth and skill development. Through physical challenges, teamwork, and immersive learning opportunities, individuals emerged better equipped to navigate wilderness environments and everyday life. The invaluable lessons learned and memories created during this expedition…

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CAS Experience – Essay Competition, 2024

Engaging in the Immerse Essay Writing Competition has been a truly enriching experience. Immerse Education has provided me with a platform to delve into intellectually stimulating activities, fostering a profound love for learning and encouraging exploration beyond the confines of the traditional classroom setting. Throughout the competition, I deepened my understanding of fundamental concepts in…

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Reflections of the 2024 TIS Athletics Championship

This year’s Athletics Carnival was held on 27 January 2024. It engaged students across several year groups as they competed in several track and field events. The field events were held on Friday, 26 January after school, whilst the track events were held the next day. All Colours presented the best of their athletes for…

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Equity and Inclusion @ TIS Primary School

At TIS Primary School, inclusion is not just a value we uphold but a foundation on which our educational community thrives. Inclusiveness lies at the heart of our commitment to nurturing well-rounded, globally-minded students. In our diverse and dynamic environment, we celebrate differences and foster a culture of respect, understanding, and collaboration. At our school,…

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TIS Tops All @ GISMUN Conference 2023    

Tema International School was invited to participate in the annual Ghana Model United Nations Conference hosted by Ghana International School, and we CONQUERED! The TIS delegates stood tall during the 2023 GISMUN conference attended by 13 schools. Thus becoming the toast of the conference. Below are excerpts of the TIS Experience at the conference  …

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SaniFlush CAS Project

For our CAS project, my group members wanted to solve a problem around our community since most people do not live in very good conditions. During our search, we found a school called Ashaiman No.2 JHS. They lacked clean and safe washroom facilities, making it difficult for students to attend school regularly, as they were…

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CAS & DoEIA Orientation Camp Reflections

I noticed at the camp our rich natural reserves and a lot of insects around. I learnt how to manage my resources. I managed to sleep in a tiny and hot space. Now I know how to kayak and abseil. Capsizing was my best moment. Despite my fear of water, I enjoyed myself while participating in…

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National Business Pitch Competition JA DEEP – Junior Archivers Digital Entrepreneurship Education Programme

Among many wonderful achievements, TIS has again made it to the top finalists of this year’s National Business Pitch Competition organised by JA DEEP – Júnior Archivers Digital Entrepreneurship Education Programme. Over the period of vacation, an internal video pitch competition was organised for members of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Club and out of 5 teams that…

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Red & Proud CAS project: Investigation Stage

Red and  Proud!  A female’s body is fragile, and unfortunately, not all women have the privilege of understanding their bodies. Some societies often treat it as something mysterious or forbidden. However, joining the Ghana Girl’s Guide Association alongside Senam Dzakpatsu, Ashley Asante, and Alicia Asante from SOS HGIC, Kendall Codjoe, and myself (G11) from Tema International…

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Equestrian Initiative – Reflections from trial

The equestrian trial on 28th April 2023 was exciting and successful. The students and staff who participated recommend this ASA as a definite starter from September 2023. Full details will be announced later.   Find below the reflections of the students who took part in the trial. When I first visited, I was scared because…

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Well-being Assembly: “Preparing for Exams”

The well-being department organized a group session facilitated by an alumnus of Tema International School (T.I.S), Dr Brown. Dr Brown graduated from TIS in 2016 to pursue Medicine at the University of Ghana Medical School. He shared his experiences and insights from his time as a student of the institution. Dr Brown touched on various…

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Geography Trip to Boti Waterfall Ecotourism Park Reflections

Field trips play a pivotal role in comprehending man and his environment. Trips connect classroom discussions to real-world events. Therefore, to understand the management and role of ecotourism in Ghana, the Geography DP class visited Boti Ecotourism Park in the Eastern region. The visit served as a springboard for students to explore the beauty of…

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The Christmas Drive Kindness 2022 reflections

The Christmas Drive Kindness 2022 was a great success because of you. Yes, I meant you, parents, teachers, and students. The support we received was so encouraging. Last December, the cost of food was so high and we were aware that so many families were struggling to feed themselves once a day. We, the Class…

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TIS @ 19 Thanksgiving Service Reflections

TIS @ 19 Anniversary week was indeed a refreshing and fun time. The wonderful week ended with a special and uplifting Founder’s Week Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 9 October. We are grateful to God for His faithfulness in bringing TIS this far. Our sincere thanks go to the Co-Founder, founding family, management, staff, the Masoperhs,…

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CAS Project – “Chosen Children’s Home”

Presentation by Diego-Cristiano Nwokolo This summer, I made sure to complete my CAS project. Due to the pandemic, many orphanages are in need of basic things such as blankets, food, water and stationeries for the children to go to school. During DP1, I investigated an organization in dire need and I reached out. An Orphanage…

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TIS Primary School Exhibition 2022

The essence of the PYP Exhibition is to provide a platform where students will share their learning throughout the Primary Years Programme. With the depth of knowledge shared by our students, the exhibition was a great success. Students collaborated to create posters and models in order to share their knowledge on local and global issues…

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Community Project: Biblotheque Saint -Jean

As you may know, every year the Middle Years Programme requires MYP3 students (Grade 8) to come up with ideas for a community project in groups. For our project we are refurbishing a library at St. John’s Academy at Ashaiman, Lebanon. During our time of being at home and at school, we were able to…

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Service as Action – Autism Awareness by Nissi Ardy

During the break, Nissi Arday, G10, undertook a service experience by raising Autism Awareness in collaboration with HopeSetters Autism Center. During the festive season, she thought about persons living with Autism who may not even realize it’s that celebratory time of the year. Her goal, therefore, is to create awareness and educate people on Autism…

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Interact Christmas Donation

Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? Is it fair to all concerned? Yes, it is! We Interactors channel our commitment to service during the festive season through Community Service. As a team, we find ways to improve the quality of life for people in our communities. On 16th December, The Interact Club of Tema…

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Preparations Galore at TIS Primary School Campus

New year, new semester and new goals mean preparations aplenty. This has been the recipe for success and a pace-setting strategy for learners. The PYP and MYP Educators established their understanding of the IB continuum with a workshop to prepare students to be concept-driven learners. The preparation saw collegial and collaborative efforts among teachers to…

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Developing Effective Learning Spaces

3Learning transcends boundaries and happens in unimaginable ways. For this reason, a school environment needs a design that will allow students to explore ideas and concepts in a variety of means best suited to the learner. The school environment needs to be engaging to allow for effective learning inside and outside the classroom. A learning…

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Newbie Sports Day Event

As the newbies first set foot in TIS for this new academic year, it was our duty as council executives to make them feel at home and comfortable in their new environment. To do so many means were used ranging from Ice breaker activities to a school tour. As sports prefects it was important for…

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The Joy of IB PYP at TIS Primary School

At TIS Primary School, authentic learning takes place to develop specific skills in students and make them independent learners. Students are given a voice to make a choice and have ownership of their learning. This encourages them to take appropriate action to support their learning through inquiry-based classroom activities and develop their ATL skills. Learning…

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TIS places 2nd in University of Dundee Competition

  At Tema International School (TIS), celebrating our students’ success stories is our greatest pride! We congratulate our team comprising Chelpang, Awurabena, Nana Yaw, and J’dyl (DP1s) for their fabulous performance at the recently held mooting competition by University of Dundee. Competing against 12 schools in 5 African countries is no mean feat. Keep up…

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This experience is one of the most memorable events I have ever engaged in, even though it didn’t start off as well as I expected with the bad weather conditions and the tiny tent. Kayaking and paintballing on the second day were amazing, as it helped me realize I could do anything I set my…

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Action at TIS Primary School

At TIS Primary School, we believe that education must extend beyond the intellectual to include socially responsible attitudes, thoughtfulness and appropriate action. An explicit expectation of the IB PYP is that successful inquiry will lead to responsible action initiated by the student due to the learning process. This action will extend the student’s learning, or…

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TIS Speakers’ Hub presents – VOCAL

Purpose: The Speakers Hub is the place for those who want to become a better communicator, an exceptional speaker, an engaging presenter and motivate change. Vocal is a CAS Initiative that gives The Speakers’ Hub members the opportunity to share their stories, ideas with a larger audience. We hope to grow this project and collaborate…

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Introduction of IB Diploma Programme to MYP 5 Students

The learning exploration, development, collaboration, application of knowledge using the IB learner profile such as principle, thinker, open minded, risk-taker or the key attributes of Approaches to Learning (ATL) are critically linked to the IB Diploma programme (DP). The DP helps transform high school students to future-ready students ready to engage the world. As such…

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Theory of Knowledge in The Real World

G11 students carried out a TOK exhibition where they showcased how TOK manifests in the world around us. Each student identified three specific objects of significance in a real-world context, and wrote commentaries linking these objects to an Internal Assessment prompt. The selected prompts were picked out of 35 prompts provided by the International Baccalaureate.…

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Responsibility & Impact

Whatever we do, whatever our responsibilities are, each of us should be trying to make an impact by the actions we take. Ideally, impact promotes personal best through the appropriate challenges that accompany any responsibility. Purposeful impact should have a positive outcome for others and not just the individual. Service is the TIS most frequently…

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IDU days are here again.

The scheduled IDU days @TIS were observed from Wednesday to Friday last week. IDU stands for Interdisciplinary Unit. The IDU days occur when the Secondary school timetable is collapsed for 3 days to allow all MYP students to take part in an Interdisciplinary Unit of work. Interdisciplinary learning supports students to understand knowledge taken from…

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What is new at the Primary Campus

The Primary School Campus is excited to be back to school after a long vacation and even longer absence. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many changes when it comes to school activities in and outside the classroom. At our happy school, we have put in measures to still make learning fun and play time interesting,…

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TIS participates in 2020 World GIS day celebrations

The MYP 5 Geography class of Tema International School participated in the 2020 World Geographic Information Systems (GIS) day celebrations on Wednesday, 18 November 2020. In order to meet the COVID-19 protocols, this year’s event was held virtually via ZOOM and hosted by AccuGeospatial. The event involved activities such as industry-based GIS presentations from the…

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An extended essay café was organized for DP2 students on 26 October, 2020. The program offered an opportunity for students to present snapshots of their extended essay to a panel made up of supervisors, teachers, and students. Students were divided into groups based on the subject in which they are writing their extended essay. The…

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Primary School Campus: Virtual Learning Experiences

It has no doubt been an exhilarating three weeks into our first semester and learners have had a fair share of synchronous and asynchronous sessions with their teachers, as virtual learning continues to trend as the ‘new normal’. While transdisciplinary learning unfolds through our live and recorded Zoom sessions, members of the learning community continue…

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Asynchronous & Synchronous learning

In my 25 years career as an educator I have never experience an Academic year like this one. Unusual is understatement. Are there opportunities in the midst of all this? How our 21st Century learners are responding? Here at TIS, we see Online teaching and learning as an opportunity to be innovative, creative and to…

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Reflections on first ever DP eASSESSMENTS

Assessments form an integral part of the IB Diploma Programme as it allows students to evaluate their knowledge and skills that will serve them well in further study and in life beyond the classroom. After successfully completing online learning in the light of school closure, Tema International School DP students are writing their end of…

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PYP Corner: Learning Is Exciting!

Twenty-first century (21c) students are active learners, rather than observers. They are natural investigators, researchers and processors of information, owing to their extensive exposure to digital and mobile technologies. They view themselves as co-constructors of knowledge and creators of new ideas. When these dispositions are well harnessed in the classroom, they can be used to…

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PYP CORNER: Effective Online Learning

Online learning has been going on for a while now since the advent of COVID-19. For many teachers around the world this did not make them put down their tools of teaching. In fact, it has been the epitome of dynamic teaching styles: the realisation of creativity. At the TIS Primary Campus, the teachers have…

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Tema International School Insight TV

Tema International School the only school on the African continent that is competing with 15 International Schools from 14 countries in the International Schools Film Festival from Vienna International School in Austria. TIS Insight TV chose to treat Child Trafficking as the main theme with the sub-theme Child Labour for the documentary, relating it to…

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TIS participates in first LEGO League Ghana Championship

Last Saturday, the 29 February 2020, members of the TIS STEM club participated in the first Lego League Ghana Championships that took place at Galaxy International School. This competition was for students who were aged 16 years and below. In preparation for this competition, students spent several weeks of training to build robots and write…

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My Dance, My Passion

The MYP PHE curriculum requires that students are given the opportunity to meet the MYP physical and health education objectives at the highest level. The aesthetic movement routine section of the PHE curriculum requires students to complete an aesthetic movement routine that is assessed against Criterion B. This should include gymnastics, aerobics, martial arts, yoga,…

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MYP Community Project: One Bite Zero Hunger

Acadia Miles-Darko, Tiffany Forson, Malick Cisse and Kevin Owusu-Afriyie are the initiators of One Bite Zero Hunger Community Project. With the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No 2 at the back of their minds, they wish to contribute their quota to make their community a better place. According to the UN, SDG No2 is designed…

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TaekwanDO it – Community Project

The Community Project allows student to take their learning outside the four walls of the classroom and learn to become responsible citizens of the community around them and beyond. One of the community Projects by Grade 8 students titled, “TaekwonDO it”, initiated by Eugene Cobbinah, Winston Mwindare & Emmanuel Essel is one such authentic learning.…

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TIS wins the 2019 World GIS Day Inter-Schools Project Competition

The Individuals and Societies Department honoured an invitation to celebrate this year’s World Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day. The program was organised by AccuGeospatial, an Esri Business Partner and hosted by SOSHGIC in Tema on Wednesday, 13 November 2019. The day was celebrated with the theme, GIS: An Essential Tool for Critical Thinking. As part…

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A Stunning Performance!

Brilliant in its simplicity, entertaining, and a showcase of known and new talent. Ebenezer finally gets the credit he has earnt over the past few years by ensuring a calm and smooth performance that was appreciated thoroughly by the audience on each night. Every year there are surprises by performers that you may never foresee…

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TIS Interact Club’s Efforts are Celebrate at The Angel Ball

Rotary International Ghana, has nicknamed the Interact Club of TIS as the most Promising Club and indeed the club is living up to standards. As shared over the past months, the Club raised GHC58, 734 to support LittleBigSoulsGhana Foundation, who are concerned with Premature Babies and Maternal issues in Ghana. Through tally cards, food sales…

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TIS Spatial Thinking (SpaT) campaign by ACCU Geospatial

Spatial Thinking (SpaT) Campaign is a program that has been instituted by AccuGeospatial, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility. This program targets students in second-cycle institutions with the aim of equipping them with spatial thinking skills, as well as creating awareness of the use of geospatial tools and platforms. This can be achieved by…

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Parents’ Information Day – MYP5

Parent’s information day last Friday at TIS hosted record numbers of parents and guardians who took time out of their busy schedules to come into school and find out more about the completion of MYP, its assessments and requirements and the IB MYP Certificate. Parents were given a chance to try the MYP onscreen assessments…

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Spatial Thinking (SpaT) Project

The Individuals and Societies department is excited to host a Spatial Thinking Project with MYP Geography students. This project aims to equip students with analytical and reasoning skills using place specific data. As part of the project students will have the practical and hands-on exposure to field data collection using smart forms on smart devices,…

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Educate them Young – Community Project

The initiators of Educate them Young Community Project had a fulfilled day on 11 September. They were all smiles when they visited their beneficiary of their project at Calvary Presby to cater for her textbooks, uniform, feeding fee and tuition fee. The goal of the group is to convince or lobby people in high places…

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A New Chapter Begins

On Monday, 9 September, the TIS Primary School Campus will commence its academic year with its pioneering students. A lot of hard work and long hours have ensured that this impressive campus will excite those who step inside its walls. The Primary School Campus is located one kilometre from the Main Campus and is an…

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The PYP is here

We all had some ideas as well as great expectations when we joined the TIS team, well, we been totally blown away by our experiences so far. The past few weeks have been simply amazing! TIS is indeed a family school. The love from everyone has been great: from the warmth of the founding family,…

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A Journey into my WASH (Water Sanitation and Health) Project

Inspiration for WASH Project During the first meeting with my CAS Coordinator, I was challenged to remain committed to the provision of service to my community and, at the same time, positively impact my community through my CAS initiative or project. Upon accepting this challenge, I wondered what the “perfect” CAS project would be. At…

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Fundraiser for Millicent Open Heart Surgery

The Gustoso restaurant session on Tuesday was amazing. Once again Ayeyi, Baaba and Davina were able to mobilize the school community to raise funds for Millicent. These young ladies are committed not only to reach their goal but to create opportunities for others to be involved and understand the important of given. The atmosphere at…

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IBDP1 Extended Essay Café- 23 – 24 April 2019

Students presented their research questions, chapter headings and snippets of interesting findings they may have come across in their reading. The audience, made up of students and supervisors, had the opportunity to offer comments and suggestions for improvement.   The two day program also offered an opportunity for students to learn about the different topics…

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Tema International School - biochem trip

Grade 9 science trip to Ada Songhor Salt Project

One of the importance of experiential learning is it gives students the opportunity to link the theory learnt in class to real world application. It is on this basis that Grade 9 Chemistry and Biology students from Tema International School embarked on a trip to Ada Songhor Salt Project site. Students had first-hand information of…

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CAS/Service Learning trip to Akorlikope

Preparations toward Akorlikope were wonderful and all my classmates were eager to go. Being the leader for the trip was a really good experience. Collaborating with my grade mates and assigning roles, while engaging with Pen in a Box, were splendid. The journey there was fun and on getting there I was touched on seeing the kids.…

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Theatre for Young Audience: MYP Grade 7 Drama Unit

‘We stop being creative the moment we stop playing’ The world of young adults can be messy, unruly and playful. However, within these lie an unlimited range of creativity. As rightly noted by Pablo Picasso, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” It is against…

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MYP3 Students Visit The Save Them Young Orphanage

Following their last location visit into the community, the Grade 8 class of Tema International School have been organizing their thoughts through critical thinking to come up with projects that will ensure mutual benefits. After much deliberation within their specific teams, different project ideas have been realized and approved. In order to kick start the…

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The Tema International School Wellbeing team is happy to announce the successful outcome of the first ever wellbeing workshop that took place at the Einstein hall, TlS, on 12 December, 2018. The one day training dubbed CHAD wellbeing workshop, gathered teachers, pastors, social workers, headmistresses, human resources persons, counselors among others from neighbouring public and…

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TIS goes for MYP authorization

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, TIS went through the authorization process to complete our bid to become an MYP school. What is the authorization process?  This is a process where by the International Baccalaureate visits a candidate school to monitor the progress which has been made since its application to become a full…

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Human Rights-Friendly School (HRFS) Working Group Workshop

As part of activities to sign unto Amnesty International’s Human Rights Friendly Schools Programme in Tema International School, a one-day workshop was organised for selected staff and students. The selected staff and students constituted a working group who will be overseeing the implementation of the programme. Three resource persons facilitated the workshop and took the…

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Interact Club of TIS and the Incubator Agenda

As published in previous bulletins, the club has been working tirelessly towards the incubator agenda. From Tally cards to receiving donations, the club is proud to announce that we can purchase the incubator and donate it to Tema General Hospital as promised. What great news! After 3M&C gave the discount offer, they reached out to…

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Earth Day 2018

TIS at Earth Day 2018

Earth Day event last Saturday was a wonderful experience for me. It gave me an insight into what plastic pollution is really doing to our environment. I was concerned to hear that plastics thrown in the ocean turn into micro plastics which is eaten by fish and poisons them and we end up eating the…

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DP Class of 2018

IB Class of 2018 – An Unforgettable Journey

Six years of my life have been spent within four big walls. Walls I felt were of warmth at times; walls I thought were a punishment at other times; walls whose overall goal was to develop me into the global leader I am yet to become. Boarding school will always be an inexplicable experience, but…

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Tema International School joins Duke of Edinburgh Award

TIS received its licence to operate the Duke of Edinburgh International Award at TIS in a presentation at last Monday’s weekly assembly. For our strategic and balanced students, now is the time to commence one of the three levels  (bronze, silver or gold) of this exciting program. Students must be 14 years to commence the…

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TIS Amnesty Club Launches Anti-Corporal Punishment Advocacy-Campaign

On Friday 26 January, the TIS Amnesty Club launched the Anti-Corporal Punishment Campaign at the school’s premises. The launch brought together many stakeholders in the educational sector who added their voice on the need to promote positive behaviour in schools. The guest speaker, Mr. Anis Haffar, a renowned educationist and trainer of teachers, emphasised the…

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Interact Club Of TIS Charter Night

The Interact Club of Tema International School was officially chartered last Friday. It was a night of inspiring speeches and a fundraiser towards the incubator project. Rotarians, Rotractors, the Rotary Club of Legon – our Mother club, parents, invited schools such as GIS and Deks, and LittleBigSouls, Ghana – our partner NGO, were present to…

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Athletics Festival 2017 - Tema International School

Athletics Carnival 2017

Last Saturday saw 10 new records set as students competed in our annual athletics carnival. There were some great performances across track and field events. Sedo Sezan and Gabriella Manu won the double, each setting new records for their 100m age group, as well as the Boys and Girls Champion of Champions event. Sedo was…

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Dear Fellows - Tema International School

Dear Fellow Christmas Donation to Handi*Vangelism Children’s Home

The Dear Fellow Team during the Christmas break donated a set of food items and school uniform materials to Handi*Vangelism Children’s Home. Dear Fellow is an ongoing CAS Project that has adopted Handi*Vangelism Children’s Home at Haatso. Twice a year, the Dear Fellow team, made up of IB DP students from Tema International School, visit…

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Service in Action Project Day

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017, Grade 8s spent the whole day working on their projects for their Service in Action class. The projects ranged from craft works to music, dance, sports, literacy, fashion and social awareness creation. Some of these projects got the students to collaborate with their friends from our neighbouring school, Calvary Presby…

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TIS students present items to Korle Bu Teaching Hospita

On Monday, 6th November 2017, a group of IB Diploma students from Tema Int. School, visited the burns centre at Korle Bu Teaching hospital, to familiarise with happenings at the centre and present a number of medical supplies. The visit and presentation comes at the back of the recent fire outbreaks in the country and…

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ITGS Field trip - Tema International School

Reflections on ITGS Trip

On 3 November 2017 the Grade 11 and 12 ITGS students embarked on a field trip to the Vodafone offices in Accra. The aim of the trip was for students to have a first-hand experience of the tech world. This helped students understand the role networks and databases play in the data centres as well…

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Tema International School - Girl Talk

Girl Talk with Alumni

Tema International School is blessed with very caring past students who demonstrably have the school at heart. It is in this light that the ever vibrant Alumni organised a girl talk and sharing of their experiences whilst in school with all girls in the school on Saturday 30 September, 2017. Our girls had the opportunity…

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Hostel Corner: Cathony Day Reflections

  Cathony Day is a day set for both the Catherine and Anthony Hostels to showcase hostel talent and spirit. It is an exciting event that allows members of both hostels to bond and form good relationships.   Being a member of the Catherine Hostel since 2014, I had never been so proud to be…

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Tema International School - Learning Centre

The Learning Centre at Tema International School

“The Reading Club”, under the ‘After-School-Activities’ programme being jointly spearheaded by the LC and CASSA held its very first meeting on Wednesday with the signed up members. Initial discussions with the facilitators centered on their expectations and how best to run the club. Activities lined up for the club also took a centre stage with ‘Scavenger  Hunt’ and…

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Science Corner: Reflections on Physics Trip (12-09-2017)

  On Tuesday 12 September, DP 2 physics students of Tema International School, undertook an educational tour to Kuntunse, to learn, first hand the operations of recently commissioned radio observatory. The visit was very fruitful and the students showed their enthusiasm by asking the staff at the observatory very insightful questions. Dr. Bernard Asabre, the scientist in…

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Grade 7 students explore stomp music

How would you define music, “Any sound that is pleasant to the ear”? Really? Let us take the key words which are sound and pleasant. Is silence also part of music? If yes why do we define music by only the sound we hear? Also consider the use of pleasant in this context….. Someone may…

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Tema International School - CAS Trip to Akorlikope Aug 2017

CAS Orientation & Service Learning Trip to Akorlikope

I didn’t realise the value of my parents and all the blessings I have received until we embarked on a touching and inspiring trip to Akorlikope, which I like to call the Village of Hope. As much as this trip occurs every year, I believe it still retains its value. The smiles of the children…

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MYP Corner – First week is over.

And what a week it was! Especially for our new students it must have felt like jumping on a rollercoaster and trying to hold on. There are so many new impressions, suddenly being a boarder, having to share a room, all the people at TIS who you need to get to know, and probably just…

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Girls United interact with pregnant ladies in Tema Metropolis

Over the vacation a group of IB1 students embarked on two outreaches to two Health Centres within the Tema Metropolis. Members of Girls United visited the Adolescent Centres at Manhean Health Centre and Tema General Hospital to interact with a number of teenage pregnant ladies and also donated a number of aid items to them. Both outreaches enabled the students to…

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MYP Service in Action Project – Calvary Presby School

This semester the MYP Students embarked on a Service in Action project that has created the opportunity for the students to learn even more outside the classroom. They located a nearby local school, Calvary Presby and initiated a number of projects and grown with them. The MYP students were happy to know their environment and…

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Akorlikope in Retrospect: the Challenge with Social Change

For the past six years Tema International School through its IBDP CAS Programme has been engaging in community service in Akorlikope, a small village in the South Tongu District in the Volta Region of Ghana. The initial driving force was to construct a holistic school building: a six unit classroom block, a staff room, a…

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Girls United – CAS Project

  As a growing, educated, and enlightened young woman, my advocacy for the empowerment of women is strengthening. I joined Girls United, a Tema International Shool CAS project initiated by Rachel Odartey-Wellington and Marie-Noelle Kpatakpa, in December last year because their core objective of empowering young girls was admirable. On Sunday, 7 May, 2017, the…

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Dear Fellow – Reflection

Courage is the ability to look at the challenges ahead and believe that you can conquer them. Two weeks ago, a group of Grade 11 students went out to the Legon Botanical Gardens with the hopes of teaching this virtue to children from the Handy *Vangelism Home in Haatso. The obstacle course set up before…

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Creative Arts Corner 12-5-2017

The IBDP Budding Directors in the making have been working hard on their directors’ notebook aspect of their assessment task for both HL and SL. Some benefits of this life changing experience is in the area of idea development, conceptualisation and team work in realising a vision. This is one fundamental life skill needed for…

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Tema International School - IBDP Class of 2017

CAS Update 21-04-2017

Just as ‘every journey begins with a first step’, every road has an end. It takes courage to take first steps, but it takes much more courage to see the end of the road. It takes persistence, commitment, discipline and many sacrifices. And so it can be said of the two-year DP trip of the…

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Tema International School - ALAMAU

ALAMAU 2017 Reflections

Chloe Asiedu ALAMAU was like stepping onto a pedestal made in Africa. One whose iron handles and steel bars were lubricated with efficiency and diversity. This is what we aimed to harbor at the African Leadership Academy’s Model African Union. Encouraging domestic production and gradually cutting our fundamentalism on foreign dependence. Our committees were based…

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Tema International School - ALAMAU

ALAMAU 2017 Report

On Sunday 12 March, 2017, 13 IB1 students from Tema International School embarked on a trip to the African Leadership Academy’s Model African Union (ALAMAU) in Johannesburg, South Africa. They were accompanied by two Advisors, Mrs. Adelaide Ferguson and Mr. Louis Welagaamo. Twenty-eight (28) schools participated from countries all over Africa, including Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire,…

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TIS Girls Basketball Team @ ISSAG – GIS

The sound of shoes hitting the ground as angst filled players dashed across the basketball court is something that will never leave my being. All about, people glared on with fiery eyes as they prayed to their various gods in a bid to turn the tables. I stood on an elevated platform with David Masoperh,…

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Foreign Students’ Trip

For the foreign students who went touring on Saturday, the trip was one of the best if not the absolute best trip we have been on. After always going to the mall to shop and relax, trying out something new was good for us. At the Kakum National Park was very tiring and dangerous. But…

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Grade 8 murals in progress.

I wrote about the Grade 8 unit a few weeks ago. By now they have finished their creative process of designing and have now started transferring their ideas to the walls around the art room. It’s great to see how much students are engaged and working collaboratively on their murals. The outdoor becomes an extension…

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Chocolate Friendship Day 2017

Hearts were set on fire with kind affections as staff and students received gifts from their dearest of friends. This is an annual tradition and everyone looks forward to it with much enthusiasm and keenness. This year’s Chocolate Friendship Day was refreshingly inspiring. The Game Changers (IB Class of 2018), under the leadership Yehowahi Sekan…

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Akorlikope Service Learning Trip February 2017

“People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves”. (Paulo Coelho) Akorlikope was fun, it was experiential, it was engaging, it was hands-on, and it was heartwarming. The Akorlikope service learning experience embodied, the philosophy of the IB programme: “to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create…

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Commedia dell’Arte - Tema International School

Creative Arts Update 27-01-2017

Theatre class teaching life lessons on keeping eyes on the price in Commedia dell’Arte. As a follow up from last week’s exposure on the benefits and impact of music in the lives of our students here in TIS, we will focus todays dialogue on Theatre in TIS as an educational tool in teaching both life…

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TIS Genesis Ministry Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Last Sunday, 15th January 2017, was a special day for members of Tema International School’s Genesis Ministry as a special church service was held in the school’s Multi-Purpose Hall to commemorate their 10th anniversary. The service was attended by some of the founding members of the group, alumni, staff, and students as well members of…

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GIRLS UNITED talks to teens

On the 1 January, 2017, Marie-Noelle Kpatakpa & Rachel Odartey-Wellington (co-initiators), Dede Coffie and Samantha Azu (organizers) went to Apostolic church in Tema community 5 to speak to youth much like us about the complexities of being a teenage female in society. It was an insightful journey and it paved way for all of us…

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DEAR FELLOW Christmas Outreach 2016

(Mifatu Gadzekpo & Audrey Antwi-Asimeng – Initiators of DEAR FELLOW) Over the holidays, on the 18 December 2016, the DEAR FELLOW team, extended the love of the festive season to Handi* Vangelism Children’s Home at Haatso where they donated clothes and cash of Ghs. 1000 to the children of the home and shared a happy…

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Akosua Atuah (2014) launches “Outburst” in TIS

Support of the alumni was simply phenomenal on Wednesday at Akosua Atuah (2014) book launch. The upcoming bestseller chose to come home (TIS) to relaunch her book titled Outburst. Copies of the book are still being sold at TIS. About the Book As the author of Outburst, I believe it is essential for not only…

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Akorlikope Students Stay Over

After thrilling us to a night of heartwarming Carols, our guests stayed over for the night. The TIS students hosted the Akorlikope students in their hostels and the classrooms. This single act goes a long way to validate Tema International School as an ideal IB school that believes in “developing inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young…

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Carols Night

Some traditions never fade; they rather get enriched with time. And so it was with Carols Night at Tema International School. Carols Night is one of the many avenues that bring the entire TIS Community – Students, Staff, Management, Parents, Alumni and Friends – together in one harmony. This year’s Carols Night was characterized with…

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Happy Feet project

The Happy Feet Team has come up with another awareness campaign in recognition the millions of people, mostly children, in the world who walk barefoot daily. The Happy FeetTeam recognizes the severity of this problem and is working assiduously do join hands with the many aiders who are equally concerned and look forward to finding…

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TIS: A ‘school of choice.’

Admission for the 2017/2018 Academic year will open on 1 December. Senior students would like to share their views about TIS. WHY TIS?   Amma Mifatu Setorme Gadzekpo – Grade 11 – When I think of TIS, the first thing that comes to mind is family. Boarding school is always a great choice when it…

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Creative Arts and Risk – Creative Arts Corner

Imagine being asked to do something you have never attempted in your life; something you dare not even think off; something which could even come as an abomination or a taboo to beliefs, ideologies and mindset. Creative art is a risky venture hence everything about it has risk written all over it. It is risky…

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GISMUN Reflections

MUN is always a great experience and this year felt greater. The conferences were very productive and we all had a fun time bringing forth different ideas. My committee was the Security Council, and I can confidently say we had a successful debate. MUN has helped me a lot and brought me a long way…

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2016 Athletic Championships

Last Friday, 14 October, we witnessed some great performances in the track and field events. Yellow was the overall athletic champions due to their impressive participation in events. Green demonstrated their prowess in athletic events and was awarded the Track and Field trophy. This award was established in recognition of the time and effort a…

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CAS and Creative Arts Collaboration

Like all CAS involvement, CAS projects allow for leaning through experience. Participating in a project provides opportunities to increases self-awareness, promotes open–mindedness and interpersonal understanding and can facilitate decision-making and problem-solving skills. Additionally, as the CAS project requires collaboration, it also promotes communication skills, requiring the learner to be involved in negotiation, agreements and consensus.…

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How exciting masks can be

In Grade 8 Visual Arts, we are working on the design and creation of masks.   In the stage 1 of the unit planner, it is described through the Statement of Inquiry as “The way we represent and express ourselves changes through time and space”, which then results in inquiry questions like: “ How can…

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TIS Founders’ Day and Week

It has been the most important week on the TIS school calendar and an important opportunity to appreciate the dream and reality of TIS Founders, Mr and Mrs Adjavon. The involvement of their family ensures a family school tradition that adds that special touch to TIS. There will be various reports throughout this bulletin about events this…

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Student Blog of the Month – Damilola Johnson

Nana Momoh Odarteifo & Erin Owusu (Grade 11) Damilola-Tolulope is an African literature blog by Damilola Johnson; a 16 year old writer in her first year of university and a former student of Tema International School. This blog primarily features African themed prose and emotion-filled poetry pieces and is rapidly catching fire with other bloggers…

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From the MYP Corner: Giant Shoes and Service and Action.

As I’m writing this on a Wednesday afternoon there are a number of TIS students walking around barefooted on the campus. It’s not that suddenly we have changed our dress code but seven students of DP1 decided to this as part of their CAS initiatives. Through this they are trying to create awareness of the…

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The Red Cross Society of TIS 2016/2017

A Brief Outlook by Marie-Noelle Kpatakpa (President of the Society-IB1) Belonging to the IBDP class of 2018 named as the “Game-Changers” should solely indicate our desire to do things differently. We stand for change in our modern times due to our many differences in thinking and beliefs. The Red Cross Society is then just a…

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Grade 8 MYP Mathematics

The Grade 8 MYP Mathematics class has been very interactive and revealing over the past few weeks. Among the tasks/activities that students have been involved in is the “Group Domino Activity”. The objective of this activity was for students to establish the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages drawing from their knowledge of multiple representation.…

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Red Cross Club – First Aid Workshop

Red Cross workshop is underway and both students and staff are actively engaging with it.   Gabriel Atseku (P.E Teacher) _ The first aid workshop could not have come at a better time than this. Having first taken the course in 2007, I have not only updated my knowledge but also have seen and learnt…

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MYP Mindset

With the implementation of the MYP comes a shift of mindsets. Already in last week’s article, I described how assessment is different but there are many other aspects of day-to-day education that shift as well. One of the things we have to look into is the way we design and organize our classrooms. Last weekend…

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Co-Curricular & SA Classes

Classes are ongoing and students are showing evidence of commitment and enthusiasm. The bead making class is growing while they learn how to weave using beads. Cooking class is extra fun. We were privileged to enjoy the cooking skills of 2 staff members who seem to have a great time with Grades 7 and 8…

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Demo Dance Class

Our dance class continued for this week with the inclusion of Hip-hop. Students who took part were thrilled to Ballet, Salsa and Hip-hop Dance moves. We look forward to the continuation of the Dance class as students have shown enormous interest in it. Steve Williams Jnr. (Grade 9) The Dance class was fun and an…

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TIS Swimming Club

Dr. Ken, his team and some young swimmers were at it last Sunday at the TIS swimming pool. The Swimming Club has started on a very high spirited note and the students are leaving nothing to chance. The students are poised to take on new challenges and learn the different swimming styles. Deion Mitchell (Grade…

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IBDP Orientation for Class of 2018

The IBDP orientation was extremely helpful. Meeting with the TIS Alumni made it seem as if I can actually go through the programme as they (Alumni) have done. I am sure the DP journey will be rigorous, but taking the advice from the various teachers and coordinators who engaged us, I hope to sail through…

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TIS Newbies visit Prampram beach

It is always a wonderful experience working with students to prepare food when we go out on such occasions. The students who were on the food committee (IB 1 & IB2) worked with enthusiasm and we made sure all others students had enough to eat. It was heartwarming to see all students’ seniors and juniors…

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TIS Newbies

Below are reflections by new staff and students after their first week in TIS.  My name is Marie-Gabriella in IB1. Coming to TIS has proved to be a good decision, and I regret not starting in Grade 7. So far I have barely spent 2 days and the atmosphere is just AMAZING, from the students to…

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NXplorers Workshop

Members of the Junior Community Service (JCS) were taken through the NXplorers workshop where they were equipped with the knowledge and tools with which to identify and solve the needs of society. These students are now ready to transfer the knowledge acquired from their training to finding real solutions to problems in their communities. Next…

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Lyon Barbeque Fundraising

The CureAidGhana Initiative – Lyon Barbeque Fundraising

Thirty good minutes, that’s how long it took to get the grill going, but it was worth it. The rain surprised us yesterday, giving us some unexpected challenges. However, we managed to pull through. Today we will continue our sales as we had so much ingredients donated by our parents. We made a significant amount…

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TIS Magazine: ‘A’ edition

TIS Magazine, ‘A’ edition is the talk of town! Students from Grades 7 to 11 invaded the CAS office to sign up for the copy of TIS Magazine. Below are some of their comments: Felix Gray: I feel very good about the magazine knowing my very own grade mates crafted it. I was overjoyed to…

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TIS 10th Annual Graduation Ceremony Speech

Find below the speech read by Mr Yaw Agyarko, the Guest Speaker for the 10th Annual Graduation Ceremony under the theme “Seeking Excellence, No Excuses”. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am so excited to be chosen to be the Guest Speaker for the TIS graduating class of 2016! I can’t tell on which…

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Red Kigelia wins maiden edition of TIS Inter-colour English Competition

Know Your English, Speak Your Mind! Congratulations to the English Department for an exciting inaugural edition of the TIS Inter-colour English Competition – WORD PLUS, to complete the Inter-Colour competitions for the 2015/2016 academic year. There was great variety, increased participation opportunities, along with some interesting and some hilarious (but logical) responses. We had so…

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TIS Celebrates Earth Day 2016!

  We, the SRC, believe in initiative. We believe in exploring exciting opportunities that we can introduce to the school. “Earth Day was one of those initiatives. Planting the trees in and out of school campus gave me hope for the future – that there is still a chance to preserve our environment. I especially…

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The Gardenholics Club kicked off this semester with two enthusiastic students Natasha Preba and Nadean Sam. As is the usual, the club has had some challenges going through the different phases of gardening; nursing, transplanting, watering, flowering, fighting pests, growth and now Harvest. After a beautiful inauguration of the club during the just ended expression…

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Tema International School takes part in NXPLORER Workshop

A team of 5 members of staff (Mr. Akortah, Mr. Djongor, Ms. Grace, Dr. Ken Darvall & Mrs. King) participated in a 2 day workshop with IB schools from Ghana and Nigeria, organized by NXplorer in collaboration with the IB Regional Development Manager Africa. The aim of the NXplorer programme was to equip young people,…

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Expression 2016 – CAS Fair

“Our greatest personal fulfilment comes when we contribute to improving the welfare of others”~ Gail Lynne Goodwin With the above in mind, and with Mawuena Atsu Davor at heart, the path was clear to commence the journey to ‘save a life’. The energy of students in putting together all the wares: from Art & Craft,…

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Countdown to Expression 2016

5 Days more for our TIS annual Expression 2016. Have you booked your space? 5 Days more to witness a creative experience of “Freedom of Expression: A Right and a Responsibility” 5 Days more to a showcase of Drama, Theatre, Music and Visual Arts. Save this date: Sunday, 20 March. This date is Visiting Sunday…

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CAS/Creative Arts Service Learning Trip 2016

Sometimes the most valuable of life’s lessons are not taught; they are experienced. This is one important rationale behind the service learning trip to Akorlikope for the IB Class of 2017; to get out there where things are far from the usual to what they are accustomed, experience what is on the other side of…

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Tema International School - Chocolate Friendship Day 2016

Chocolate Friendship Day 2016

When the IB Class of 2017 celebrated Chocolate day, they reminded us to lend a helping hand to Clementina Nyozie and Mawuena Davor Atsu who both need an URGENT heart surgery, at an average cost of GH₵ 24,000.00 each. They worked throughout the week to make sure everyone within the four corners of the school…

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TIS Red Cross Club organizes workshop

From 27 – 29 January, and on 31st, the TIS Red Cross Club organized a four-day workshop led by the IB Class of 2017. Members of the club were trained in giving first aid and in handling various injuries. They participated in a number of exercises to develop the skills learnt during the workshop. Below…

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TIS organizes 2nd Creative Writers’ Workshop.

The English Department of Tema International School hosted its Second Annual Creative Writers’ Workshop on October 30 – 31, 2015. The workshop aimed at inculcating writing skills in high school students, and enhancing the skills for students who already have the passion for writing.  The theme for this year’s conference was Growing Tomorrow’s Writers Today.…

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Green Wisteria wins 2015 TIS Athletics Carnival

By: Afia Addai (Grade 11) In the stressful day-to-day life of a student of Tema International School (TIS), there comes a time when it becomes absolutely necessary to escape the claws of academia and ease into another realm, essentially characterized by movement: the realm of athletics. The school’s authorities, in acknowledgement of this necessity, accordingly…

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International and Cultural Day

“The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people”.  “We are at every point of our day immersed in cultural diversity: faces, clothes, smells, attitudes, values, traditions, behaviours, beliefs, and rituals (Randa Abdel-Fattah).” Against this backdrop, we teach our students (by example) that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.…

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Damilola Johnson Comes Second in Mbaasem Writing Contest!

Excitement, happiness, and an overwhelming sense of pride are the few words that describe how we feel about Damilola Johnson’s achievement. She was ranked second in the nationwide “Mbaasem Writing Competition” for girls. The Mbaasem Writing Contest for Girls is held annually to promote literacy, reading and writing among   young girls of Ghana. It is…

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Expression 2015

Have you sat to ponder on how beautiful the basic things in life are: the freedom in singing off key in the shower, the squeaking radio in your neighbour’s house, the child crying next door or how quickly you look around after you have just tripped; just to make sure no one’s checking? This year’s…

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Important Announcement

Dear Parent/Guardian, Our main telephone lines 0303-305134/0303-308737 are out of order.Vodafone, our service provider, informs us that it is a major fault with one of their distribution points that we are connected to and will take a while before service is restored. In view of this, we wish to inform you that until Vodafone restores…

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