Educate them Young – Community Project

The initiators of Educate them Young Community Project had a fulfilled day on 11 September. They were all smiles when they visited their beneficiary of their project at Calvary Presby to cater for her textbooks, uniform, feeding fee and tuition fee. The goal of the group is to convince or lobby people in high places…

A New Chapter Begins

On Monday, 9 September, the TIS Primary School Campus will commence its academic year with its pioneering students. A lot of hard work and long hours have ensured that this impressive campus will excite those who step inside its walls. The Primary School Campus is located one kilometre from the Main Campus and is an…

The PYP is here

We all had some ideas as well as great expectations when we joined the TIS team, well, we been totally blown away by our experiences so far. The past few weeks have been simply amazing! TIS is indeed a family school. The love from everyone has been great: from the warmth of the founding family,…

A Journey into my WASH (Water Sanitation and Health) Project

Inspiration for WASH Project During the first meeting with my CAS Coordinator, I was challenged to remain committed to the provision of service to my community and, at the same time, positively impact my community through my CAS initiative or project. Upon accepting this challenge, I wondered what the “perfect” CAS project would be. At…

Fundraiser for Millicent Open Heart Surgery

The Gustoso restaurant session on Tuesday was amazing. Once again Ayeyi, Baaba and Davina were able to mobilize the school community to raise funds for Millicent. These young ladies are committed not only to reach their goal but to create opportunities for others to be involved and understand the important of given. The atmosphere at…

IBDP1 Extended Essay Café- 23 – 24 April 2019

Students presented their research questions, chapter headings and snippets of interesting findings they may have come across in their reading. The audience, made up of students and supervisors, had the opportunity to offer comments and suggestions for improvement.   The two day program also offered an opportunity for students to learn about the different topics…

Tema International School - biochem trip

Grade 9 science trip to Ada Songhor Salt Project

One of the importance of experiential learning is it gives students the opportunity to link the theory learnt in class to real world application. It is on this basis that Grade 9 Chemistry and Biology students from Tema International School embarked on a trip to Ada Songhor Salt Project site. Students had first-hand information of…

CAS/Service Learning trip to Akorlikope

Preparations toward Akorlikope were wonderful and all my classmates were eager to go. Being the leader for the trip was a really good experience. Collaborating with my grade mates and assigning roles, while engaging with Pen in a Box, were splendid. The journey there was fun and on getting there I was touched on seeing the kids.…

Theatre for Young Audience: MYP Grade 7 Drama Unit

‘We stop being creative the moment we stop playing’ The world of young adults can be messy, unruly and playful. However, within these lie an unlimited range of creativity. As rightly noted by Pablo Picasso, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” It is against…

MYP3 Students Visit The Save Them Young Orphanage

Following their last location visit into the community, the Grade 8 class of Tema International School have been organizing their thoughts through critical thinking to come up with projects that will ensure mutual benefits. After much deliberation within their specific teams, different project ideas have been realized and approved. In order to kick start the…