Interact Club of TIS and the Incubator Agenda

As published in previous bulletins, the club has been working tirelessly towards the incubator agenda. From Tally cards to receiving donations, the club is proud to announce that we can purchase the incubator and donate it to Tema General Hospital as promised. What great news! After 3M&C gave the discount offer, they reached out to…

Earth Day 2018

TIS at Earth Day 2018

Earth Day event last Saturday was a wonderful experience for me. It gave me an insight into what plastic pollution is really doing to our environment. I was concerned to hear that plastics thrown in the ocean turn into micro plastics which is eaten by fish and poisons them and we end up eating the…

DP Class of 2018

IB Class of 2018 – An Unforgettable Journey

Six years of my life have been spent within four big walls. Walls I felt were of warmth at times; walls I thought were a punishment at other times; walls whose overall goal was to develop me into the global leader I am yet to become. Boarding school will always be an inexplicable experience, but…

Tema International School joins Duke of Edinburgh Award

TIS received its licence to operate the Duke of Edinburgh International Award at TIS in a presentation at last Monday’s weekly assembly. For our strategic and balanced students, now is the time to commence one of the three levels  (bronze, silver or gold) of this exciting program. Students must be 14 years to commence the…

Interact Club Of TIS Charter Night

The Interact Club of Tema International School was officially chartered last Friday. It was a night of inspiring speeches and a fundraiser towards the incubator project. Rotarians, Rotractors, the Rotary Club of Legon – our Mother club, parents, invited schools such as GIS and Deks, and LittleBigSouls, Ghana – our partner NGO, were present to…

Athletics Festival 2017 - Tema International School

Athletics Carnival 2017

Last Saturday saw 10 new records set as students competed in our annual athletics carnival. There were some great performances across track and field events. Sedo Sezan and Gabriella Manu won the double, each setting new records for their 100m age group, as well as the Boys and Girls Champion of Champions event. Sedo was…