“The Reading Club”, under the ‘After-School-Activities’ programme being jointly spearheaded by the LC and CASSA held its very first meeting on Wednesday with the signed up members. Initial discussions with the facilitators centered on their expectations and how best to run the club. Activities lined up for the club also took a centre stage with ‘Scavenger Hunt’ and ‘Pencil Scrub’ creating some excitement among members. It promises to be full of fun in the coming weeks and months. Students who are still interested in joining may contact Setor or Constance at their earliest convenience.
The LC remains the obvious place to be during non-lesson periods for students as they catch up on an assignment, read a favourite title/author, read around a subject one may be considering as a topic for your EE, collaborate with colleagues as one tries to get his/her head round a topical issue or even touch base with the LC team to assist with research, citation and referencing. The stage is all set and the right environment is created for everyone willing to use the resources available in the LC for productive academic work.
If you are yet to borrow a book, it’s never late! See Team LC to check out a book(s) for your relaxation or re-new your loans before they become overdue. The LC is also happy to report that, TIS is now subscribes to “Geography All The Way” an online geography resource. Geography teachers will share log-in details with their students during lessons. Enjoy they use of this resource as subscription lasts.
TIS Learning Centre: “Right Place To Be”!