This semester the MYP Students embarked on a Service in Action project that has created the opportunity for the students to learn even more outside the classroom. They located a nearby local school, Calvary Presby and initiated a number of projects and grown with them. The MYP students were happy to know their environment and get to meet their neighbours, as the students in Calvary were equally excited to always meet us. The main objective of this collaboration was to provide a platform for students to nurture bonds, inquire, care and be open- minded. Being in the driver’s seat all the way through, students developed ideas and minimal projects they engaged together with their new friends to strengthen the bond.
After months of visiting each other, the Grade 7s have nursed a variety of seeds to kick off the gardening project named “Calvary Green”. The growing parts have been left for their partners to care for it as we go home for summer. The other group initiated the teaching and learning project for the crèche and during the last visit, handmade posters of the Alphabet made by our MYP students were pasted around their classroom after a teaching session. The grade who will be in grade 8 next academic year are looking forward to a more engaging session with their counterparts.
The Grade 8s on the hand planned and implemented a concept to put up a mural at Calvary. Together with their friends they agreed to create an idea that characterizes peace, unity and friendship. A draft has started on the wall, but due to the recent rains, the group has not been able to finish but intends to modify the idea to redo the mural next academic year. The other class in Grade 8 engaged in different sports activities with their friends which created a more flexible way of bonding and getting to know each other, especially among the boys making our students more familiar with some local games.
This exercise has improved on the learning skills of the students as they have incorporated these activities into their learning inside the classroom.