GIRLS UNITED talks to teens

On the 1 January, 2017, Marie-Noelle Kpatakpa & Rachel Odartey-Wellington (co-initiators), Dede Coffie and Samantha Azu (organizers) went to Apostolic church in Tema community 5 to speak to youth much like us about the complexities of being a teenage female in society. It was an insightful journey and it paved way for all of us…

DEAR FELLOW Christmas Outreach 2016

(Mifatu Gadzekpo & Audrey Antwi-Asimeng – Initiators of DEAR FELLOW) Over the holidays, on the 18 December 2016, the DEAR FELLOW team, extended the love of the festive season to Handi* Vangelism Children’s Home at Haatso where they donated clothes and cash of Ghs. 1000 to the children of the home and shared a happy…